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Is it normal to get sore or have pain after sex?

sex should never hurtSex should never hurt!

Hi! I only recently have gotten a boyfriend and have started having regular sex. After 2 or more days, it starts to get a bit sore down there. Is that normal? I just assumed it was pain from friction, but I don’t know if that’s right and I’ve never sought help because it’s a bit embarrassing!
Sandra, 17, in Sydney

To start with, sex shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, a good tip is to say “stop”, no matter what! The aftermath of sex also shouldn’t hurt – whether it’s two minutes, two hours or two days later....

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February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Ovarian Cancer AwarenessIt’s time for women living with ovarian cancer to have their voices heard and their experiences known.

It’s time for funding to increase and survival rates to improve. It’s time for all Australians to ovary-act in support of our women and families. Each year over 1,600 women in Australia will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. In the past 30 years, other cancers have been able to achieve amazing improvements in awareness, funding and survival rates and we want the same hope for our women. While some progress has been made for ovarian cancer there is still so much we need to do.

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Syphilis is making a come-back — it's not looking pretty

Syphilis Eye DamageSyphilis, a sexually transmissible infectious disease that has plagued humankind for centuries.

It's currently making a come-back and causing some unusual health problems, including vision loss. Today, syphilis is diagnosed rapidly by a simple blood test, and easily treated with an inexpensive antibiotic...

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