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WWID and Menopause

Women with Intellectual Disabilities and Menopause

Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) have recently conducted some research to determine what resources regarding the process of menopause are currently available to women with intellectual disabilities in Australia.  After searching for this information, the findings were evident that there is little to no dedicated resources that address normalising and managing the process of menopause for women with intellectual disabilities.  In addition to this SHFPACT looked at resources available to Carers, Parents, Support Workers and Health Professionals and again resources were limited and not specifically designed for Australia.  SHFPACT also sought information from the Doctors that work at the Menopause clinic about the numbers of women with an intellectual disability they were seeing.  The Doctors reported that they had only worked with one woman.  
There is ample information on the process of menopause and “the change”, however it is directed towards women without a disability.   With these findings SHFPACT have been given a grant to develop an educational resource and practice guide to support women with intellectual disabilities and their support networks.
It is envisaged that the production of this resource and the accompanying practice guide will result in improving access for women with intellectual disabilities to information and education related to menopause and increase the utilisation of the health care services associated with the change.  This will then further result in better health opportunities for women who utilise the resource.
If you have visited our website today to assist us with this project, Thankyou for being a part of this initiative and assisting us with our project.  If you or someone you know is experiencing menopausal symptoms, are about to enter menopause or simply would like more information about the process of menopause, please feel free to make an appointment with one of our menopause specialist by calling the Menopause Centre on 6247 3077.    
If you have any questions about the project or want to find out more information, please do not hesitate to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are a Health Professional and are interested in assisting us with information for our project, please see below the link to a survey that has been created for your industry.

Health Professional's Survey

Survey for women with an intellectual disability

Survey for people who care for a women with an intellectual disability

Thank you for your patience and we look forward to hearing from you.